The ARC3 Survey

The ARC3 is a collaborative of sexual assault researchers and administrators who came together to develop a free campus climate survey informed by all who would use it. 


To respond to the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault by developing, testing, and disseminating a free campus climate survey for the higher education community.

About ARC3:

ARC 3 is not a membership organization. It is a collaborative of sexual assault researchers and student affairs professionals who responded to the White House Task Force on Keeping Students Safe on Campus, particularly the need to develop a campus climate survey informed by all who would use it. 

Participants met at the Campus Climate Forum at Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, in October 2014. A second, smaller group of participants met a the Madison Summit for Campus Climate and Sexual Misconduct  for at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in February 2015 where participants developed the ARC3 survey.